Technology is our ally
In our clinic we provide all the equipment for a perfect root canal by our specialists! The microscope gives us the ideal magnification in this difficult field that needs attention to every detail. The power tools, the edge locator and all other accessories provide possibilities for your individual needs. Choose for yourself only the best.The perfectionism of our doctors is your biggest guarantee for the result! In such a demanding part of dentistry with frequent failures, we leave nothing to chance.“Does the root canal hurt?”
A tooth that has gone bad and needs root canal therapy can cause you a lot of discomfort with pain at home. In our clinic you will be immediately relieved from the pain. It is the root canal that will help, it is fully painless in the hands of our experts and if necessary, it is done with local anaesthesia.“I don’t want to lose my tooth, because I will lose it”
One perception that often prevails is that decayed teeth end up in extractions. A tooth that needs a root canal is a source of oral and jaw infection that can go into the systemic circulation. In order not to lose the teeth, they should be protected with the appropriate restoration, which our specialist will recommend for you individually! Direct reconstitution, epub or hoop (case) our doctors will work with you to find the ideal solution for your endodontic treatment.